Sound Design


There will be a fair few aspects to the sound design in my short film, more than I had last year. I know that this may start to get a little confusing because even with less sound effects at AS level, I still had between 2 and 5 layers of sound at any one time. It will help to organise when I will need everything and at what point in my film. I will also need to find or record any pieces of music, sound or dialogue in advance before it comes to editing.

Diegetic Sounds:

  • Music box – This will play right through my film from the first shot, however it will become almost silent as the camera moves into the kitchen.
  • Radio music – This will be fade in as the camera moves through into the kitchen and will be interrupted by the radio announcement before the mother changes channel back to more music.
  • Radio announcement -This will be heard during the shot of the radio before we see the mother enter the shot and change channel.
  • Gate door banging – We will hear this at the beginning of the scene before the shot cuts to the gate door where the banging will become louder, this will eventually fade out.
  • Dialogue – There is very little dialogue, however I will need to record this with the microphone.

Non-diegetic Sounds:

  • Sound effects – There will be a number of drones and horror sound effects, particularly towards the end and when the adult male is shown in shot.
  • Background drone – For my AS project, I put in a wind/drone sound that ran all the way through my film but it was fairly quiet and I found that this worked really well for the atmosphere so I will need to find this sound and run it through my entire scene.

Although I already have an old mobile attachment that plays music box music that I am able to record, I do feel that the music that it plays is a little generic and is one that is heard in pretty much every baby toy I used to own. Therefore I want to try and find something else that I could use, possibly something a little slower to add to the atmosphere and slow down the overall pace of the film. One piece of music that I really like is from the film ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’, unfortunately I obviously can’t use this because it’s copyrighted, however this is the kind of thing I will be looking for: